Saturday, January 17, 2015


The Cubs Convention is going on this weekend, and SoxFest will take place next weekend. Both are sold out as both fan bases feel optimistic about the upcoming season for the first time in a while.

But when this time of year comes, and so many Chicago baseball fans fill a room together, a lot of stupid tends to come out. For example, Tom Ricketts.
I've seen a lot of Sox fans get angry about this on Twitter, which is to be expected. We are an extremely sensitive bunch, especially when it comes to the Cubs. But before you get too angry about all of this, please remember that the man taking a shot at the White Sox and their ballpark currently owns a ballpark that likely won't have bleachers when the season opens.

But I'm sure young Cubs fans will enjoy playing in all that scrap metal and broken wood!

"Look, daddy! I stepped on a nail! Now I can get a tetanus shot, and not just because I rubbed up against Ronnie Woo Woo!"

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